Business Readiness and Procurement of Goods and Services
If you have any questions about business and economic development opportunities, please contact:
Marlon Gasparotto
Business Development Manager
Office: (807) 474-3300, ext. 224
Cell: (807) 627-7282
Business Directory
Opiikapawiin Services LP maintains a business registry that contains Participating First Nation Business Profiles and is referred to as the Wataynikaneyap Business Directory. This Directory can be shared with potential contractors and/or subcontractors to help facilitate First Nation business opportunities.
For information on how to register your Participating First Nation business or joint venture, please contact:
Marlon Gasparotto
Business Development Manager
Office: (807) 474-3300, ext. 224
Cell: (807) 627-7282
Wataynikaneyap Power Project Subcontractor Profiles
Are you a business or JV working on the Wataynikaneyap Project, and interested in being featured in the Wataynikaneyap Power/Opiikapawiin Services monthly newsletter to the communities? If so, please contact Josie Zussino, Indigenous Engagement Manager, at